Select a child from our database
Donate to Brightlife, and we will help select an eligible child for you.
Selected child will get 100% amount into their bank accounts.
Brightlife will share information about the child and use the entire money towards their education and needs.
100% assurance of high standards of accountability and transparency. An annual report is sent to you informing the child’s progress.
I never thought I will go to school again. Thanks to Brightlife foundation for giving me the opportunity to study and ultimately transforming my life.
Within just one year, 2000 children have successfully received sponsorships to achieve their dreams.
With 1500 active donors across the globe, we were able to touch 2000 lives. The road ahead is long.
We’re here to help. Send us an email or call us at +44 123 123 4567 Please feel free to contact our expert.